Last year I wrote about many of the physical transformations that were clearly visible at the Hope Center in Pavas, San Jose, Costa Rica - especially the ones that left an impact on me. A new kitchen, new walls, new floors, and a new playground were just some of the upgrades made to the Hope Center, yet when I left Costa Rica I had a heavy heart knowing there were many struggles and many situations that I was becoming privy to with no opportunity to help in any meaningful way. I found myself praying specifically that God would allow me to let go of the burdens. They were not mine. These burdens were things that I had heard, things that were impossible for me to fix, things that caused many tears to be shed, and things that threatened to crush my spirit if I held on to them. So I set them at the foot of the cross for Jesus to sort out in His way and in His time.
In January I had the opportunity to take a quick administrative trip to Pavas. It was very different going without a team, but I enjoyed every minute while discussing the upcoming trips and projects that were being forecast. We were able to say hello to the women in the kitchen and hear about some of the personnel and policy changes that were underway. The women were sweet and loved seeing us, but there was a tension among them that was palpable.
In April I had hoped to return on a family trip, but it was not to be. In May we tried to send a mother/daughter team for Mothers' Day, but again, it was not to be. In July we tried to send a couples' team, but yet again, it was not to be. Someone asked me if I was discouraged, but after giving it some thought I said, "No, I might be disappointed, but not discouraged". I know that God is always at work and His timing is always perfect, so there was no reason to doubt.
As October approached I was asked if I would be interested in co-leading the 2018 Women's trip. I didn't hesitate to say yes although I knew I had some big shoes to fill. The two women who led in the past are some of the most beautiful servant leaders I've had the privilege of working with. As we prepared for this trip my co-leader and I met and prayed several times for the assembling of a team and for our time while in country. We both had a strong feeling that this would be a different kind of trip than before, but neither one of us could articulate how or why.
The difference came immediately. As we pulled up to the Hope Center on Sunday afternoon we were greeted by some old friends holding up welcome signs and smiling with bright eyes and happy faces. They had been waiting all afternoon for our arrival and were eager to be the first ones to give us hugs. It was like a family reunion.
Our welcome committee! |
Half our team was comprised of returning women and the other half were meeting for the first time. It was a joyful occasion. I think even the new women felt at ease after such a warm welcome.
The next day we saw the whole staff in action. All the women in the kitchen were smiling and laughing and greeted us as if they had a big secret they were keeping. The director welcomed us and we got to hear all about the new programs and opportunities available to the children of the Hope Center. The security guard wore a professional uniform shirt as well as our two favorite cleaning ladies which clearly identified them as important members of the Hope Center team.
Important staff at the Hope Center
Pastor, Security Guard, Director, and Mentor |
Women of the kitchen with our team. |
That afternoon the kitchen ladies revealed their big secret... they had been practicing a special song for us and were now going to perform it. Oh the joyful noise they made - just beautiful music to our ears! It was as if each woman had the light of Christ shining in her.
Beautiful women singing to us! |
When the song was over they presented us with a hand-painted craft that they had been working on for weeks. It was a complete and utter transformation... not just physical this time... but spiritual!
Hand painted for us. |
In addition, for the first time the ladies of the kitchen suggested that we all eat lunch together. This was a special change because in past they had made lunch for us and then retreated to the kitchen to eat separately. This meal was filled with laughter, great food, and fantastic fellowship.
A long table making for a festive lunch. |
The next few days brought continued evidence that God was indeed working inside these walls. We saw kids from a private school come and play games with the kids of Pavas.
We saw men from Openhouse Church, located across the river in the wealthy part of the city, come to the Center to be mentors to the kids teaching them Lego robotics and English classes. We saw our translator speak with confidence and excitement about her upcoming first mission trip to Ethiopia.
Lucy, our translator in the center. |
It seemed that everywhere we turned God was alive and well working in the midst of their lives - in spite of their poverty and hardships.
Perhaps the most beautiful spiritual transformation we witnessed was that of the women of Pavas. There is a group of about 40 to 50 whom have attended our workshops in the past and keep coming back. This time we were greeted with smiles and hugs and excitement as they eagerly awaited for the message, craft projects, and fellowship time featuring of course "coffee, coffee, coffee", and "shu-gar".
Warm greetings as the women arrived. |
The women were eager to worship with us, paint a picture, show off their growing babies, and share their prayer requests with us. We still listened to many difficult circumstances and painful situations, but more than once we heard them say, "But our God is great and we trust Him with everything!" Wow, what transformation!
Painting project. |
A sweet prayer moment over difficult circumstances. |
Our team was delighted by the following story told by a member of the church which meets at the Hope Center on Sundays. It was translated for us:
As we prepared for Sunday service, we set up the usual amount of chairs. When the service started we needed to add even more chairs. Eventually we started wondering, "Who is stealing all these chairs? We used to have enough!" Then we realized we didn't have enough chairs because we had so many new people! What a wonderful new problem!
On our last day with the ladies, they prepared cards for us, spoke about their appreciation for us coming to spend time with them, and prayed for us. There is no question that they saw us as their fellow sisters in Christ. Breaking through cultural barriers, language barriers, economic barriers, and geographic barriers is what God can do if you allow Him.
Pavas women speaking to us. |
Of course we didn't leave without adding a little more to the physical changes of the building. We sanded the walls of a classroom...
Lots of sanding. |
Repaired them...
Filling in holes. |
Painted them...
Painting them white. |
And then added a mural that says...
You Are Important |
Isn't that what God wants us to know? Because each person is created in God's image... "You are important!" I love that every man, woman, and child who sees this classroom can't possibly help but read the phrase and ponder its meaning. I pray it touches every heart and becomes reality to each person's spirit.
I am so overwhelmed and humbled to have seen the changes and transformations since my first visit over four years ago. I am so thankful I was able to "let God be God" over the past year and not dwell on what I couldn't make better, or to become discouraged because things weren't on my time table.
Before we left, our women's team meditated on Ephesians 4:16, "He makes the whole body fit together perfectly".
We talked about how each one of us is like a different puzzle piece and how together we make up the whole picture. Expanding on that idea, I think our team represents one of those puzzle pieces in the story of the Hope Center. There are many other puzzle pieces whose contributions are equally important. But most critically of all it is not the individual pieces but rather the one who makes the picture whole. The ultimate Creator, the ultimate Healer, the ultimate Transformer, and the ultimate Hope... our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Our Team |